JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4

Interface Topic

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public interface Topic
extends Destination

A Topic object encapsulates a provider-specific topic name. It is the way a client specifies the identity of a topic to JMS API methods. For those methods that use a Destination as a parameter, a Topic object may used as an argument . For example, a Topic can be used to create a MessageConsumer and a MessageProducer by calling:

Many publish/subscribe (pub/sub) providers group topics into hierarchies and provide various options for subscribing to parts of the hierarchy. The JMS API places no restriction on what a Topic object represents. It may be a leaf in a topic hierarchy, or it may be a larger part of the hierarchy.

The organization of topics and the granularity of subscriptions to them is an important part of a pub/sub application's architecture. The JMS API does not specify a policy for how this should be done. If an application takes advantage of a provider-specific topic-grouping mechanism, it should document this. If the application is installed using a different provider, it is the job of the administrator to construct an equivalent topic architecture and create equivalent Topic objects.

1.1 - February 2, 2002
Mark Hapner, Rich Burridge, Kate Stout
See Also:
Session.createConsumer(Destination), Session.createProducer(Destination), TopicSession.createTopic(String)

Method Summary
 String getTopicName()
          Gets the name of this topic.
 String toString()
          Returns a string representation of this object.

Method Detail


public String getTopicName()
                    throws JMSException
Gets the name of this topic.

Clients that depend upon the name are not portable.

the topic name
JMSException - if the JMS provider implementation of Topic fails to return the topic name due to some internal error.


public String toString()
Returns a string representation of this object.

the provider-specific identity values for this topic

JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4

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Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.