JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4

Interface ConnectionFactory

All Superinterfaces:
Referenceable, Referenceable, Serializable

public interface ConnectionFactory
extends Serializable, Referenceable

ConnectionFactory provides an interface for getting connection to an EIS instance. An implementation of ConnectionFactory interface is provided by a resource adapter.

Application code looks up a ConnectionFactory instance from JNDI namespace and uses it to get EIS connections.

An implementation class for ConnectionFactory is required to implement and javax.resource.Referenceableinterfaces to support JNDI registration.

Rahul Sharma
See Also:
Connection, Referenceable

Method Summary
 Connection getConnection()
          Gets a connection to an EIS instance.
 Connection getConnection(ConnectionSpec properties)
          Gets a connection to an EIS instance.
 ResourceAdapterMetaData getMetaData()
          Gets metadata for the Resource Adapter.
 RecordFactory getRecordFactory()
          Gets a RecordFactory instance.
Methods inherited from interface javax.resource.Referenceable
Methods inherited from interface javax.naming.Referenceable

Method Detail


public Connection getConnection()
                         throws ResourceException
Gets a connection to an EIS instance. This getConnection variant should be used when a component wants the container to manage EIS sign-on. This case is termed container-managed sign-on. The component does not pass any security information.

Connection instance
ResourceException - Failed to get a connection to the EIS instance. Examples of error cases are:
  • Invalid configuration of ManagedConnectionFactory-- example: invalid server name
  • Application server-internal error--example: connection pool related error
  • Communication error
  • EIS-specific error--example: EIS not active
  • Resource adapter-internal error
  • Security related error; example: invalid user
  • Failure to allocate system resources


public Connection getConnection(ConnectionSpec properties)
                         throws ResourceException
Gets a connection to an EIS instance. A component should use the getConnection variant with javax.resource.cci.ConnectionSpec parameter, if it needs to pass any resource adapter specific security information and connection parameters. In the component- managed sign-on case, an application component passes security information (example: username, password) through the ConnectionSpec instance.

It is important to note that the properties passed through the getConnection method should be client-specific (example: username, password, language) and not related to the configuration of a target EIS instance (example: port number, server name). The ManagedConnectionFactory instance is configured with complete set of properties required for the creation of a connection to an EIS instance.

properties - Connection parameters and security information specified as ConnectionSpec instance
Connection instance
ResourceException - Failed to get a connection to the EIS instance. Examples of error cases are:
  • Invalid specification of input parameters
  • Invalid configuration of ManagedConnectionFactory-- example: invalid server name
  • Application server-internal error--example: connection pool related error
  • Communication error
  • EIS-specific error--example: EIS not active
  • Resource adapter-internal error
  • Security related error; example: invalid user
  • Failure to allocate system resources
See Also:


public RecordFactory getRecordFactory()
                               throws ResourceException
Gets a RecordFactory instance. The RecordFactory is used for the creation of generic Record instances.

RecordFactory RecordFactory instance
ResourceException - Failed to create a RecordFactory
NotSupportedException - Operation not supported


public ResourceAdapterMetaData getMetaData()
                                    throws ResourceException
Gets metadata for the Resource Adapter. Note that the metadata information is about the ResourceAdapter and not the EIS instance. An invocation of this method does not require that an active connection to an EIS instance should have been established.

ResourceAdapterMetaData instance
ResourceException - Failed to get metadata information about the resource adapter

JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4

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