JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4

Interface Service

public interface Service

Service class acts as a factory of the following:

Rahul Sharma
See Also:
Call, Stub

Method Summary
 Call createCall()
          Creates a Call object not associated with specific operation or target service endpoint.
 Call createCall(QName portName)
          Creates a Call instance.
 Call createCall(QName portName, QName operationName)
          Creates a Call instance.
 Call createCall(QName portName, String operationName)
          Creates a Call instance.
 Call[] getCalls(QName portName)
          Gets an array of preconfigured Call objects for invoking operations on the specified port.
 HandlerRegistry getHandlerRegistry()
          Returns the configured HandlerRegistry instance for this Service instance.
 Remote getPort(Class serviceEndpointInterface)
          The getPort method returns either an instance of a generated stub implementation class or a dynamic proxy.
 Remote getPort(QName portName, Class serviceEndpointInterface)
          The getPort method returns either an instance of a generated stub implementation class or a dynamic proxy.
 Iterator getPorts()
          Returns an Iterator for the list of QNames of service endpoints grouped by this service
 QName getServiceName()
          Gets the name of this service.
 TypeMappingRegistry getTypeMappingRegistry()
          Gets the TypeMappingRegistry for this Service object.
 URL getWSDLDocumentLocation()
          Gets the location of the WSDL document for this Service.

Method Detail


public Remote getPort(QName portName,
                      Class serviceEndpointInterface)
               throws ServiceException
The getPort method returns either an instance of a generated stub implementation class or a dynamic proxy. A service client uses this dynamic proxy to invoke operations on the target service endpoint. The serviceEndpointInterface specifies the service endpoint interface that is supported by the created dynamic proxy or stub instance.

portName - Qualified name of the service endpoint in the WSDL service description
serviceEndpointInterface - Service endpoint interface supported by the dynamic proxy or stub instance
java.rmi.Remote Stub instance or dynamic proxy that supports the specified service endpoint interface
ServiceException - This exception is thrown in the following cases:
  • If there is an error in creation of the dynamic proxy or stub instance
  • If there is any missing WSDL metadata as required by this method
  • Optionally, if an illegal serviceEndpointInterface or portName is specified
See Also:
Proxy, InvocationHandler


public Remote getPort(Class serviceEndpointInterface)
               throws ServiceException
The getPort method returns either an instance of a generated stub implementation class or a dynamic proxy. The parameter serviceEndpointInterface specifies the service endpoint interface that is supported by the returned stub or proxy. In the implementation of this method, the JAX-RPC runtime system takes the responsibility of selecting a protocol binding (and a port) and configuring the stub accordingly. The returned Stub instance should not be reconfigured by the client.

serviceEndpointInterface - Service endpoint interface
Stub instance or dynamic proxy that supports the specified service endpoint interface
ServiceException -
  • If there is an error during creation of stub instance or dynamic proxy
  • If there is any missing WSDL metadata as required by this method
  • Optionally, if an illegal serviceEndpointInterface is specified


public Call[] getCalls(QName portName)
                throws ServiceException
Gets an array of preconfigured Call objects for invoking operations on the specified port. There is one Call object per operation that can be invoked on the specified port. Each Call object is pre-configured and does not need to be configured using the setter methods on Call interface.

Each invocation of the getCalls method returns a new array of preconfigured Call objects

This method requires the Service implementation class to have access to the WSDL related metadata.

portName - Qualified name for the target service endpoint
Call[] Array of pre-configured Call objects
ServiceException - If this Service class does not have access to the required WSDL metadata or if an illegal portName is specified.


public Call createCall(QName portName)
                throws ServiceException
Creates a Call instance.

portName - Qualified name for the target service endpoint
Call instance
ServiceException - If any error in the creation of the Call object


public Call createCall(QName portName,
                       QName operationName)
                throws ServiceException
Creates a Call instance.

portName - Qualified name for the target service endpoint
operationName - Qualified Name of the operation for which this Call object is to be created.
Call instance
ServiceException - If any error in the creation of the Call object


public Call createCall(QName portName,
                       String operationName)
                throws ServiceException
Creates a Call instance.

portName - Qualified name for the target service endpoint
operationName - Name of the operation for which this Call object is to be created.
Call instance
ServiceException - If any error in the creation of the Call object


public Call createCall()
                throws ServiceException
Creates a Call object not associated with specific operation or target service endpoint. This Call object needs to be configured using the setter methods on the Call interface.

Call object
ServiceException - If any error in the creation of the Call object


public QName getServiceName()
Gets the name of this service.

Qualified name of this service


public Iterator getPorts()
                  throws ServiceException
Returns an Iterator for the list of QNames of service endpoints grouped by this service

Returns java.util.Iterator with elements of type javax.xml.namespace.QName
ServiceException - If this Service class does not have access to the required WSDL metadata


public URL getWSDLDocumentLocation()
Gets the location of the WSDL document for this Service.

URL for the location of the WSDL document for this service


public TypeMappingRegistry getTypeMappingRegistry()
Gets the TypeMappingRegistry for this Service object. The returned TypeMappingRegistry instance is pre-configured to support the standard type mapping between XML and Java types types as required by the JAX-RPC specification.

The TypeMappingRegistry for this Service object.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if the Service class does not support the configuration of TypeMappingRegistry.


public HandlerRegistry getHandlerRegistry()
Returns the configured HandlerRegistry instance for this Service instance.

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if the Service class does not support the configuration of a HandlerRegistry

JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4

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Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.