J2SE 1.3.1 Update Release Notes

Release Notes

Java 2 Standard Edition Version 1.3.1 Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Solaris Operating Systems


Latest Version

Earlier Versions


This document summarizes changes made in all the 1.3.1 update releases, including a link to the original 1.3.1 release notes. Update releases are bug fix releases and as such are not intended to add to or delete functionality in the original 1.3.1 release.
The version numbers are given below, complete with build number. To determine the version of your JDK software, use the following command:

java -version

localized documentation

Bug Database - In most cases, the bug ID number in each description below is a link to the detailed bug report on the Bug Database (Bug Parade) web site. Bug Database enables you to file your own bug reports, add comments to existing bug reports, and vote for the bugs you consider most important.

Changes in 1.3.1_29

The official version number for this update release is 1.3.1_29-b03.

OlsonData 2010l

This release contains Olson time zone data version 2010l. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software .

Bug Fixes

This release contains fixes for security vulnerabilities. For more information, please see Oracle Java SE and Java for Business Critical Patch Update advisory.

Changes in 1.3.1_28

The official version number for this update release is 1.3.1_28-b04.

OlsonData 2010b

This release contains Olson time zone data version 2010b. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software .

Bug Fixes

Other Bug Fixes

BugId Category Subcategory Description
6921289 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2010b

Changes in 1.3.1_27

The official version number for this update release is 1.3.1_27-b02.

OlsonData 2009m

This release contains Olson time zone data version 2009m. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software .

Bug Fixes

Bug fixes for vulnerabilities are listed in the following table.

BugId Category Subcategory Description
6631533 java classes_2d ICC_Profile allows detecting if some files exist
6815780 java classes_2d TrueType font parsing crash when stressing Sun Bug 6751322 test case
6822057 java classes_2d X11 and Win32GraphicsDevice don't clone arrays returned from getConfigurations()
6862969 java classes_2d JPEG JFIF Decoder issue
6862970 java classes_2d Image Color Profile parsing issue
6872357 java classes_2d JRE AWT setDifflCM vulnerable to Stack Overflow
6872358 java classes_2d JRE AWT setBytePixels vulnerable to Heap Overflow
6636650 java classes_lang (cl) Resurrected ClassLoaders can still have children
6863503 java classes_security SECURITY: MessageDigest.isEqual introduces timing attack vulnerabilities
6864911 java classes_security ASN.1/DER input stream parser needs more work
6854303 java classes_sound Sun Java HsbParser.getSoundBank Stack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
BugID Category Subcategory Description
4909781 java classes_2d java.awt.color.ICC_Profile should define serialVersionUID
6880110 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2009m

Changes in 1.3.1_26

The official version number for this update release is 1.3.1_26-b02.

OlsonData 2009i

This release contains Olson time zone data version 2009i. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software .

Bug Fixes

This release contains fixes for one or more security vulnerabilities.

Bug fixes for vulnerabilities are listed in the following table.

BugId Category Subcategory Description
6656610 java accessibility AccessibleResourceBundle.getContents exposes mutable static (findbugs)
6656586 java classes_awt Cursor.predefined is protected static mutable (findbugs)
6657625 java classes_sound RmfFileReader/StandardMidiFileWriter.types are public mutable statics (findbugs)
6777448 java classes_sound JDK13Services.getProviders creates instances with full privileges
6588003 java classes_swing LayoutQueue mutable statics
BugID Category Subcategory Description
6848984 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2009i

Changes in 1.3.1_25

The official version number for this update release is 1.3.1_25-b02.

OlsonData 2009a

This release contains Olson time zone data version 2009a. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software .

Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) API Change

The behavior of the JNDI feature to store and retrieve Java objects in an LDAP directory has been slightly modified.

When storing a Java object in an LDAP directory, the location of the object's class file (its codebase) may be specified. Later, when restoring the original object, its codebase along with additional object data is retrieved from the directory and used by the class loader.

An object's codebase is no longer implicitly trusted. Instead, a new system property called com.sun.jndi.ldap.object.trustURLCodebase must explicitly be set to the string value true in order for a codebase to be used. Otherwise, the codebase will be ignored by the class loader when restoring a Java object, and only those class files that appear on the classpath will be recognized.

Bug Fixes

Other bug fixes are listed in the following table.

BugID Category Subcategory Description
6796489 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2009a
6784894 java_plugin other Regression: applets loaded from local disk can not access co-located resources

Changes in 1.3.1_24

The official version number for this update release is 1.3.1_24-b04.

OlsonData 2008h

This release contains Olson time zone data version 2008h. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software .

Bug Fixes

Other bug fixes are listed in the following table.

BugID Category Subcategory Description
6758988 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2008h

Changes in 1.3.1_23

The official version number for this update release is 1.3.1_23-b03.

OlsonData 2008b

This release contains Olson time zone data version 2008b. For more information, refer to 6679340 or see US DST Timezone Updater.

Bug Fixes

This release contains fixes for one or more security vulnerabilities. For more information, please see Sun Alerts 238666 and 238968.

Other bug fixes are listed in the following table.

BugID Category Subcategory Description
6679340 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2008b
6687310 java_plugin plugin REGRESSION 131_23-b01 About Plug-in text in NS is not shown properly on sparc-solaris8

Changes in 1.3.1_22

The official version number for this update release is 1.3.1_22-b03.

OlsonData 2007k

This release contains Olson time zone data version 2007k. For more information, refer to 6646197 or see US DST Timezone Updater.

Bug Fixes

This release contains fixes for one or more security vulnerabilities. For more information, please see Sun Alert 233324.

Other bug fixes are listed in the following table.

BugID Category Subcategory Description
6654208 java classes_security 1.3.1_22b02 throws java.security.AccessControlException on Windows, not in 1.3.1_22 b01
4845752 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Wrong behavior JDK 1.3.1 in GregorianCalendar at DST boundary time
6624769 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2007i
6646197 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2007k

Changes in 1.3.1_21

The official version number for this update release is 1.3.1_21-b02.

OlsonData 2007h

This release contains Olson time zone data version 2007h. For more information, refer to 6611886 or see US DST Timezone Updater.

Bug Fixes

Bug fixes are listed in the following table.

BugID Category Subcategory Description
6583812 hotspot compiler2 The fix for 5053921 might be incomplete or cause another problem in 1.3.1_14 and later version
6599650 hotspot compiler2 regression: java_g failed on assert(i < _max, "oob")
6611886 java classes_util_i18n (tz) support tzdata2007h
6595137 java classes_util_i18n (tz) support tzdata2007g
4873106 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Regression test java/util/TimeZone/SolarisTZVM.sh is failing on Solaris 10
6604272 java classes_util_i18n (tz): wrong exit DST date for Pacific/Auckland
6521218 java_plugin bridge Plugin COMObject event handling Freeze leaks references in discarded events.
6502030 java_plugin other ControlPanelApplet can be access from client application

Changes in 1.3.1_20

The official version number for this update release is 1.3.1_20-b03.

Bug fixes are listed in the following table.

BugID Category Subcategory Description
6497526 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2006p
6510927 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2007a
6496143 java_plugin bridge Java Plugin CJavaDispatch reference counting not thread-safe
6447127 java_plugin bridge Beans using JPanel show memory leak when used with 1.3.1 ActiveX bridge

Changes in 1.3.1_19

The official version number for this update release is 1.3.1_19-b03.

Bug fixes are listed in the following table.

BugID Category Subcategory Description
6420685 hotspot compiler2 ResourceMark breaks growable array
6180969 hotspot compiler2 JVM 1.3.1 crash due to fatal error in exception handler
6353457 hotspot compiler2 Long Integer value changes in unpredictable manner with Deoptimization(1.3.1_06)
6359662 hotspot garbage_collector OutOfMemoryError with Object allocation in JDK1.3.1_09
6358532 java classes_net HttpURLConnection.disconnect doesn?t really do the job
6425120 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2006g
6276622 java install 1.3.1_16 uninstaller removing TreatAs key for 1.5.0_02
4980600 java install Syntax used when invoking coreutils does not conform to POSIX 1003.1-2001
6292347 java_plugin iexplorer unexpected packet is sent in java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle

Changes in 1.3.1_18

The official version number for this update release is 1.3.1_18-b01.

Australian Daylight Saving Time Fix: Melbourne, Australia, is hosting the Commonwealth Games during the month of March, 2006. Because of this event, several Australian states will postpone the end of Daylight Saving Time from March 26, 2006 to April 2, 2006. This change is planned for 2006 only. The transition to Standard Time will occur at 3 A.M. on April 2. This release contains a fix for bug 6391777, supporting the new transition date.

Important Note: You must restart the VM during January, 2007, in order to get correct the correct Daylight Saving Time rules after that date.

Bug fixes are listed in the following table.

BugID Category Subcategory Description
6391777 java classes_util_i18n JDK 1.3 TZ fix required - Related to SUN BASE RFE 6332148
6317483 java_plugin bridge Beans extending JPanel class are not released when created via 1.3.1 ActiveX bridge

Changes in 1.3.1_17

The official version number for this update release is 1.3.1_17-b02.

This release contains bug 6356720, which sometimes causes a requestFocus() to fail when it is called immediately after a minimized window is restored. To work around this bug, have the user click on the control to set the focus. This bug will be fixed in a subsequent release.

Bug fixes are listed in the following table.

BugID Category Subcategory Description
6302221 hotspot compiler2 REGRESSION: hotspot c2 crash running rmi JCK tests
5071820 hotspot compiler2 server VM crashes with -Xcomp in 1.4.2_05
6195764 hotspot compiler2 Crashes at Function name=JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF in jdk 1.3.1_13
6326935 hotspot compiler2 Exception message's size is more than doubled everytime an exception is thrown
6186200 hotspot garbage_collector RFE: Stall allocation requests while heap is full and GC locker is held
6209695 hotspot garbage_collector VolanoTest OOM with java se b14
5063437 hotspot jvmpi JVMPI obj_frees come before method_exits
5086424 hotspot runtime_system improve the performance of GC_locker
5069955 java classes_awt JRE/Browser crash during repaint - IE/XP on MP or HT systems.
4623997 java classes_util_i18n GregorianCalendar returns bad WEEK_OF_YEAR
6224672 java classes_util_i18n Escalation: broken for time zone issue with date on windows
6290444 java_plugin bridge Memory leak due to unreferenced Objects created via 1.3.1 ActiveX bridge
6301249 java_plugin bridge Possible regression in ActiveX Bridge 1.3.1_13 and higher
6317483 java_plugin bridge Beans extending JPanel class are not released when created via 1.3.1 ActiveX bridge

Changes in 1.3.1_16

The official version number for this update release is 1.3.1_16-b06.

BugId Category Subcategory Description
5040973 hotspot compiler2 SIGSEGV in Type*Type::meet(const Type*)const+0x0
5049411 hotspot compiler2 JVM crashes at assert(!n->is_Phi() && !n->is_CFG(),..) with java_g in 1.3.1_11
6224591 hotspot runtime_system JVM stops merging state vectors for blocks where there's a monitor mismatch.
6195718 idl orb Incorrect abstract interface semantics in JDK ValueHandler
6185414 java classes_awt 1.3.1-only: JVM crashes during WTextComponentPeer.getText() using Citrix
6223075 java classes_util_jarzip java.util.zip stream classes do not close default {De,In}flaters
6223076 java classes_util_jarzip Unnecessary object retention in java.util.zip.Deflater
5027783 java cte_test Test CTE_REGTEST/Generic/4894903 is unpredictable
6178600 java qa_install Java 1.4.2 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 Beta-1 (32 bit) seg faults.
5107268 java_plugin compatibility different behavior among 1.3.1, 1.4.2 and tiger-b63 in Java plug-in for PrintJob
6232087 java_plugin install JRE 1.3.1+ series Plugin Changes Windows registry settings of JRE 1.4.2+,that is already installed
6207824 jndi ldap JNDI sending premature ABANDON after connection has closed

Changes in 1.3.1_15

The official version number for this update release is 1.3.1_15-b01. Bug fixes are listed in the following table.

BugID Description
6204187 Incorrect clsid is registered in windows registry for jre 1.3.1_14 release

Changes in 1.3.1_14

Bug fixes in the 1.3.1_14 version are listed in the following table.

BugID Description
4292742 NullPointerException with no stack trace
4380809 Focus disappears after deiconifying frame
4413680 Runtime exec hangs if ulimit nofiles is unlimited.
4682728 CTW assertion at srcsharevmoptolock.cpp, 379
4770950 A bug of javax.swing.JTextField
5031170 GregorianCalendar uses wrong ERA value in non-lenient mode
5053921 Application crashes using :XX+UseTLE and -server on Windows
5083638 REGRESSION: 4789981 fails for 1.3.1_13-b01 on Solaris for Mozilla 1.0.1
5084917 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Signal already used by VM: SIGHUP
5086241 JCK: QuickSilver api test fails with -Xprof flag

Changes in 1.3.1_13

Bugs fixed in the 1.3.1_13 Version are listed in the following table. The Fix Status columns indicate the operating system and version to which the fix applies.

BugID Description Microsoft Windows Fix Status Linux Fix Status Solaris Operating Environment Fix Status
4258198 Can't display localized exception messages of the native method correctly NA 1.3.1_13 1.3.1_13
4934415 'Broken pipe' error is corrupted under the Japanese locale NA NA 1.3.1_13
4948258 JNI: JVM aborted with JNI Exception when (*JAWT_ DrawingSurface)->Lock. 1.3.1_13 NA NA
5018973 Fix all the corrupted error messages under the Japanese locale NA NA 1.3.1_13
5031274 java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 1.3.1_13 1.3.1_13 1.3.1_13

Changes in 1.3.1_12

Bugs fixed in the 1.3.1_12 Version are listed in the following table. The Fix Status columns indicate the operating system and version to which the fix applies.

BugID Description Microsoft Windows Fix Status Linux Fix Status Solaris Operating Environment Fix Status
4298656 stack yellow zone not re-enabled after a StackOverflowError 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12
4401223 Gregorian calendar gives a java.lang.Illegal ArgumentException only on 12-31-00 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12
4402735 [server] stack yellow zone not re-enabled after a StackOverflowError 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12
4463485 compilation results in stack overflow while unrolling loop 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12
4710324 rmic uses AWT ?! 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12
4770100 -Xcheck:jni uses oop directly in _thread_in_native state 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12
4770828 Loop related Hotspot crash 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12
4879051 internal Error occurs during offet conversion of byte code in rewrite/relocate 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12
4904136 [1.3.1_09]JVM crashes when big number is specified in fillRect() 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12
4907999 [1.3.1_09] OutOfBoundsException with -server when ToString applies to rmi.UID 1.3.1_12 NA NA
4947038 Japanese characters not converting correctly from Codepage 930 to Codepage 943 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12
4953731 java.awt.PopupMenu can make the system hang under Solaris/CDE NA NA 1.3.1_12
4959717 JVM crash with error "Fatal: null exception in compiled code" 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12
4976917 Client blocks on getInputStream even after server completes its response 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12
4983401 Error ID: e:\ws\1.3.1\hotspot\src\share \vm\ci\ciInstanceKlass.cpp, 121 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12
5007118 5 JCK tests failing with -Xcheck:jni flag NA 1.3.1_12 1.3.1_12
5018566 JavaBeans Bridge for Active X 1.3.1_11: combobox selection hangs 1.3.1_12 NA NA

Changes in 1.3.1_11

Bugs fixed in the 1.3.1_11 Version are listed in the following table. The Fix Status columns indicate the operating system and version to which the fix applies.

BugID Description Microsoft Windows Fix Status Linux Fix Status Solaris Operating Environment Fix Status
4387620 GetCurrentThreadCpuTime returns wrong information 1.3.1_11 1.3.1_11 1.3.1_11
4392195 infinite loop in sun.net.www.http. KeepAliveStream [due to skip()] 1.3.1_11 1.3.1_11 1.3.1_11
4515367 fatal error handler enhancements 1.3.1_11 1.3.1_11 1.3.1_11
4670449 RFE: DNS-related functions in PAC file support do not support foward DNS lookups 1.3.1_11 NA NA
4766057 Reading entries from certain zipped files causes JVM death (native exception) 1.3.1_11 1.3.1_11 1.3.1_11
4818483 Missing encoding conversion in PlainSocketImpl.socketCreate NA NA 1.3.1_11
4887178 in with J2se1.3 in multithread situation, socket reads data unexpectly 1.3.1_11 1.3.1_11 1.3.1_11
4918902 REGRESSION 1.4: PropertyDescriptors do not find the most specific methods 1.3.1_11 1.3.1_11 1.3.1_11
4933131 C2 crash in adjust_check 1.3.1_11 1.3.1_11 1.3.1_11
4947550 Null Pointer in creating Window 1.3.1_11 NA NA
4953126 Signature timestamps in signed jar files break forward compatibility 1.3.1_11 1.3.1_11 1.3.1_11
4953991 java.sql.TimeStamp results in wrong time for some timezones when dates are in BC 1.3.1_11 1.3.1_11 1.3.1_11
4954658 (thread) Thread.interrupt() is not executed after first try NA NA 1.3.1_11
4957629 REGRESSION:Ctor IndexedPropertyDescriptor works incorrectly 1.3.1_11 1.3.1_11 1.3.1_11
4967720 Netscape hang situation NA NA 1.3.1_11

Changes in 1.3.1_10

Bugs fixed in the 1.3.1_10 Version are listed in the following table. The Fix Status columns indicate the operating system and version to which the fix applies.

BugID Description Microsoft Windows Fix Status Linux Fix Status Solaris Operating Environment Fix Status
4309152 J# Compiler silently generates bytecode that exceeds VM limits. 1.3.1_10 1.3.1_10 1.3.1_10
4311995 BigDecimal String constructor throws StringIndexOutOfBounds. 1.3.1_10 1.3.1_10 1.3.1_10
4372119 Disappearing of busy cursor on JDK 1.3 1.3.1_10 NA NA
4394817 URL constructor throws java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException. 1.3.1_10 1.3.1_10 1.3.1_10
4495990 VM crashes if a run method throws an expection in a finally block. 1.3.1_10 1.3.1_10 1.3.1_10
4680160 JVM crash in java.net.ServerSocket.implAccept 1.3.1_10 1.3.1_10 1.3.1_10
4784641 -Xcheck:jni overly strict in JNI method IsSameObject 1.3.1_10 1.3.1_10 1.3.1_10
4805573 VM crash with heavy loading test program in 1.3.1_06 NA NA 1.3.1_10
4838325 sticky keys dont work as expected in JDK 1.3.1_07 (Accessibility) 1.3.1_10 NA NA
4846961 Font properties files not available for HK locale NA NA 1.3.1_10
4860981 The Object#wait( long timeout) resumes without waiting time out in 1.3.X NA NA 1.3.1_10
4868776 Window frame goes black when 1.3.1_08 and grayscale display are used. 1.3.1_10 NA NA
4871233 windows install scenario: registry problem 1.3.1_10 NA NA
4873131 JVM hangs up with C++ std lib because of mutex deadlock in 1.3.1_03/1.4.0_0X. 1.3.1_10 1.3.1_10 1.3.1_10
4886833 jvm crashes without any error message 1.3.1_10 1.3.1_10 1.3.1_10
4887174 java.util.Date(int,int,int,int,int,int) is unable to give hour information 1.3.1_10 1.3.1_10 1.3.1_10
4892479 GDI object leak with 256 Colors display in 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_10 NA NA
4894903 1.3.1_09: JVM process size grows after every JVMPI heap dump request. 1.3.1_10 1.3.1_10 1.3.1_10
4898868 JVM crash in awt!NewHandler::handler 1.3.1_10 NA NA
4904887 RH9:commit Japanese characters from the candidate window causes application hang NA NA 1.3.1_10
4905541 VolanoMark test hang with 1.3.1_10 NA NA 1.3.1_10
4905763 java.awt.PopupMenu does not behave correctly under CDE NA NA 1.3.1_10

Changes in 1.3.1_09

Bugs fixed in the 1.3.1_09 Version are listed in the following table. The Fix Status columns indicate the operating system and version to which the fix applies.

BugID Description Microsoft Windows Fix Status Linux Fix Status Solaris Operating Environment Fix Status
4337842 readObject in java.net.URL fails to restore transient fields 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09
4422213 java_g -version throws Segmentation Fault in Linux NA 1.3.1_09 NA
4460034 Solaris/Intel: Synch test hangs trying to get to compiled code safepoint 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09
4482614 LINUX: process reaping is broken NA 1.3.1_09 NA
4489146 BigInteger(String, int) does not fail on multiple minus signs 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09
4503974 JCK1.4, api/java_net/... tests hang in "-Xprof -verbose -verify" mode, linux NA 1.3.1_09 NA
4514097 JVMPI_MONITOR_WAITED value returned is wrong 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09
4741093 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning: Attempt to allocate stack guard pages failed NA NA 1.3.1_09
4766667 JDK Downgrade Install: Java Plugin 1.4 Fatal Error 1.3.1_09 NA NA
4782891 incorrect localization for javac diagnostic in J2SE 1.3.1 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09
4799941 JDK 1.3.1_07/1.4.1_02 - New ORBs create new threads forever 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09
4800683 1.3.1_03] Infinite loop seems to happen in phaseX.cpp with -server 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09
4804447 JNI GetArrayElements fails with zero length arrays. 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09
4806430 1.3.1 Escalation: JFileChooser: Access key Alt+o doesn't work for "ok" button 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09
4806443 1.3.1 Escalation: JFileChooser: Key not working NA NA 1.3.1_09
4815817 1.3.1: Fix CDRInputStream.java optimization code to avoid chunk overflow errors 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09
4819465 Right borders missing in JMenuItem and JScrollbar in 1.3.1_0x 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09
4819903 behaviour of method changes after dynamic compilation occurs 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09 NA
4825523 JVM crashes w/ SEGV when trying to execute Java code > 64 kB 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09
4833514 JVM crash while reading FVD described class 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09
4836495 JVM crashes trying to draw very small Arc2D pie fraction when antialiasing is on NA 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09
4836743 Backward compatibility - jni apps need to dereference bogus returned reference 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09
4843836 [1.3.1_04] JVM Crashes 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09 1.3.1_09
4849934 Bottom border missing in JComboBox. 1.3.1_09 NA NA
4853528 Applies to 1.3.1 only - ServerSocket's accept() throws unexpected SocketException NA 1.3.1_09 NA

Changes in 1.3.1_08

Bugs fixed in the 1.3.1_08 Version are listed in the following table. The Fix Status columns indicate the operating system and version to which the fix applies.

BugID Description Microsoft Windows Fix Status Linux Fix Status Solaris Operating Environment Fix Status
4856397 A de-serialized GregorianCalendar did not correctly handle the Calendar.set(int field, int value) method. 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08
4473019 Java Plug-in Security Warning dialog did not show buttons. 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08
4477877 java.beans.Introspector returned results depending on the order that classes were loaded by the Virtual Machine. 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08
4510890 A help viewer search would sometimes yield NullPointerExceptions, and search hit highlighting was unstable. 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08
4518039 The "~" character was not properly displayed in an HTML file using the SJIS character set. 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08
4707386 There was a system crash generating a Fatal: unhandled ci exception. 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08
4729351 Plugin regional locale parameters were incorrectly displayed. 1.3.1_08 NA NA
4738326 The VM crashed while running a large application. 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08
4755829 An application ignored the nohup(1) command, caught and processed the SIGHUP signal, resulting in application exit with a return code of 129. NA 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08
4759466 In some cases, the text field caret did not return when window focus was moved and then restored. 1.3.1_08 NA NA
4769666 SIGSEGV during C2 compilation of a method. 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08
4772649 System crashed with hotspot errors. 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08
4775318 Plug-in crashed when the ethernet cable was unplugged. 1.3.1_08 NA NA
4775420 Signed applet failed only on JRE 1.3.1_06. 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08
4780201 System crashed when attempting to widen the range check of an IF node during compilation. 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08
4781104 The background color of a Menu was different from that of the MenuBar for classic style. 1.3.1_08 NA NA
4789981 Application crashed due to problems in JVM/plug-in/Mozilla. NA 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08
4793061 Serviceability is improved by exposing VM version and flags to Serviceability Agent. 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08
4794861 Double primitive lost value when using -client. 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08
4802147 White background persisted when applet exited to a different web page. 1.3.1_08 NA NA
4802816 An applet could access a local resource without permission on IE60+JRE1.3.1_06. 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08 1.3.1_08

Changes in 1.3.1_07

Bugs fixed in the 1.3.1_07 Version are listed in the following table. The Fix Status columns indicate the operating system and version to which the fix applies.

BugID Description Microsoft Windows Fix Status Linux Fix Status Solaris Operating Environment Fix Status
4178050 Socket reads and writes would randomly throw InterruptedIOE (random IOExceptions reporting Interrupted System Call). NA NA 1.3.1_07
4185525 Files now can contain any Unicode names. 1.3.1_07 NA NA
4263927 FontMetrics.stringWidth() in PrintGraphics was incorrect. 1.3.1_07 NA NA
4283923 Paging up and down repeatedly and quickly (in JavaHelp) generated exceptions and eventually hung the system. 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07
4292477 On a canvas, in some fonts, it was not possible to change font style without changing font size. 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07
4370850 java.lang.String always created new converters thus creating a race condition. 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07
4414152 There was a java_wrapper Error: can't find libjava.so. NA 1.3.1_07 NA
4433477 Restore Popup MenuItm was disabled for a minimized InternalFrm. 1.3.1_07 NA NA
4473671 GraphicsEnvironment.getDefaultScreenDevice always returned the first screen in a multi-screen configuration, no matter which screen was set as primary. 1.3.1_07 NA NA
4523757 The javac compiler explicitly closes ZipFile objects allowing those resource to be reclaimed. 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07
4532507 There was an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in javahelp. 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07
4551985 The background color of a Menu was different from that of the MenuBar. 1.3.1_07 NA NA
4665214 Swing repainted iconified frames. 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07
4685738 There was a problem in CJavaJNI.cpp. 1.3.1_07 NA NA
4703989 A runtime crash (Unexpected Signal : 11 occurred) was caused by String.compareTo sometimes walking one char past the end of an array. NA NA 1.3.1_07
4709105 JVM SEGVed. 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07
4711693 A Pop-up Menu did not display correctly. 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07
4713783 An EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION occurred at ZIP_GetNextEntry function causing the JVM to exit. 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07
4718209 With IME ATOK, a Dialog created with AWT was not correctly displayed. NA NA 1.3.1_07
4722076 The JVM crashed in JVM_ArrayCopy whilst executing a JSP. 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07
4722534 A JEditorPane with HTML content displayed incorrectly aligned text. 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07
4730228 IME Japanese input mode could not be activated in an Applet running on Java plug-in. 1.3.1_07 NA NA
4730878 PortableRemoteObject.narrow(...) was incorrectly casting a result to java.rmi.Remote. 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07
4752649 There was a performance problem when acquiring a secure (https) connection. 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07
4757048 JVM crashed when running a CPU-intensive, multithreaded application. 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07
4764567 An applet would sometimes hang on the OutputStream.close() method. 1.3.1_07 NA NA
4765019 The following error was generated: OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread 1.3.1_07 NA NA
4765370 Proprietary code converters were needed for Japanese locales. NA NA 1.3.1_07
4766052 The jinstall-1_3_1_05-win.cab url was not found. 1.3.1_07 NA NA
4767478 A drop down list box was incorrectly displayed. 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07 1.3.1_07

Changes in 1.3.1_06

Bugs fixed in the 1.3.1_06 Version are listed in the following table. The Fix Status columns indicate the operating system and version to which the fix applies.

BugID Description Microsoft Windows Fix Status Linux Fix Status Solaris Operating Environment Fix Status
4638742 There was a GDI leak when printing graphics from the browser. 1.3.1_06 NA NA
4750641 Array.clone() was broken. 1.3.1_06 1.3.1_06 1.3.1_06

Changes in 1.3.1_05

Known Problem

4615605, 4676248

A CORBA update was implemented in this release in order to comply with a specification update known as Java to IDL issue 4795. The implementation resulted in fixes for two bugs (bug numbers 4615605 and 4676248) present in the 1.3.1_04, 1.3.1_05 and 1.4.1 J2SE releases.

For these fixes to be implemented correctly, you must update both CORBA J2SE versions to 1.3.1_05 and 1.4.1. Each release brings half of the fix. Or you can update to the forthcoming 1.4.0_03 update release.

Failure to do so may result in a crash that generates output similar to the following. If you do experience this crash, the solution is to upgrade the J2SE version as outlined above.

Note: If a 1.4.x version (1.4.0_03 or 1.4.1) which contains this fix is not available, then you should downgrade your 1.3.1 version to 1.3.1_04 or below to avoid this crash.

Unexpected Signal : 11 occurred at PC=0xdf9079f8
Function name=JVM_MonitorWait


Current Java thread:
   at com.sun.corba.se.internal.io.IIOPInputStream.throwExceptionType(Native Method)
   at com.sun.corba.se.internal.io.IIOPInputStream.simpleReadObject(IIOPInputStream.java:272)
   at com.sun.corba.se.internal.io.ValueHandlerImpl.readValueInternal(ValueHandlerImpl.java:245)
   at com.sun.corba.se.internal.io.ValueHandlerImpl.readValue(ValueHandlerImpl.java:207)
   at com.sun.corba.se.internal.iiop.CDRInputStream.read_value(CDRInputStream.java:905)

Bugs fixed in the 1.3.1_05 Version are listed in the following table. The Fix Status columns indicate the operating system and version to which the fix applies.

BugID Description Microsoft Windows Fix Status Linux Fix Status Solaris Operating Environment Fix Status
4096745 Calls to disable() or enable() caused AWT components to blink. 1.3.1_05 NA NA
4451915 Socket buffer size was limited to 64K. NA NA 1.3.1_05
4455041 AWT code caused images in a Powerpoint document to disappear. 1.3.1_05 NA NA
4478861 AUDIODEV environment variable was not used for the audio control device. NA NA 1.3.1_05
4485006 Server JVM crashed while handling SIGQUIT. 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05
4487126 HTTP keep-alive connections timed out too frequently. 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05
4495213 Updating portions of a large, displayed table caused a temporary freeze to the user interface. 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05
JVM crashed with Hotspot. 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05
4506928 Memory leak was caused by java.awt.FileDialog. 1.3.1_05 NA NA
4515763 A mouseClicked event was not received when pressing a char key. NA NA 1.3.1_05
4517827 An application crashed with Signal 11 when run in debugging mode. 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05
4599575 The browser crashed when passing Java objects to JavaScript using plug-in. 1.3.1_05 NA NA
4639387 Coredump in a java application (that blocks all signals) invoked through JNI. NA NA 1.3.1_05
4643265 Setup failure on a machine with greater than 4 GB of physical memory. 1.3.1_05 NA NA
4652023 ALT+ key did not work on a remote display. NA 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05
4655758 Ariba Buyer failed with -server option. 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05
4664403 Back space and arrow keys did not work in Internet Explorer. 1.3.1_05 NA NA
4667411 There were performance issues with the java.lang.ThreadLocal method. 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05
4671453 For specific long values, comparisons were incorrect. 1.3.1_05 NA NA
4671460 Using the -server Hotspot option broke code integrity. 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05
4671586 When using ReplicateScaleFilter() and AreaAveragingScaleFilter(), there was image corruption. 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05
4672816 The caret disappeared when an iconized window was restored. 1.3.1_05 NA NA
4674864 Thai characters were not displayed. NA NA 1.3.1_05
4676248 There was a JDK 1.3.1/1.4 interoperability failure for all exceptions. 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05
4677265 MITSHM shared memory extension was disabled when running in Xinerama mode. NA NA 1.3.1_05
4684173 There was a CertificateException when verifying the root CA. 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05
4685196 Modal dialogs, dismissed and called again, appear minimized on the task bar. NA 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05
4687305 The browser froze when clicking on an html link in one frame while another frame contained an open JMenu in an applet. 1.3.1_05 NA NA
4692074 An application encountered a painting problem. 1.3.1_05 NA NA
4692906 Hotspot JVM's would hang if thread suspend/resume was executed by non-Java code. 1.3.1_05 NA NA
4700718 An application using hyperlinks and page-down, caused user navigation problems. 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05
4701709 System SEGV in sparc.ad was caused by an unset bit in enc_String_Compare. NA NA 1.3.1_05
4703547 Application crashed due to a reload issue triggered by an unshared request object*Gold LOS. NA NA 1.3.1_05
4705990 Enter and arrow keys did not work in Internet Explorer. 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05
4706007 JVM crashed in Java2d loops with grayscale Barco video card. 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05
4710268 ClassLoader deadlocked in OIDMap.java. 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05 1.3.1_05

Changes in 1.3.1_04

At this release, Java Software no longer hosts recommended Solaris patches for Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) products.

Bugs fixed in the 1.3.1_04 Version are listed in the following table. The Fix Status columns indicate the operating system and version to which the fix applies.

BugID Description Microsoft Windows Fix Status Linux Fix Status Solaris Operating Environment Fix Status
4221476 Croatian file.encoding property was wrong. 1.3.1_04 NA NA
4302818 An animated GIF consumed CPU even when not visible. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4338463 Deadlock occurred when dragging windows in SwingSet2. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4394805 fillPolygon filled improperly when called on a nested component's graphics. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4420882 A C++ application hosting an ActiveX component generated from a Java Bean crashed on exit. 1.3.1_04 NA NA
4434407 Hotspot VM failed with javac test. NA NA 1.3.1_04
4459640 C++ application crashed with a load of more than 20 users. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4462061 It was possible to pass a deleted weak reference as an argument. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4474873 Implemented -Xcheck:jni option in hotspot. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
Server VM performance improvements. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4498286 Helvetica, Courier and TimesRoman fonts were not working. NA NA 1.3.1_04
4499542 end() is now called only if Deflater was created by DeflaterOutputStream. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4500388 Calling Thread.sleep with a small argument affected the system clock. 1.3.1_04 NA NA
JVM crashed. NA NA 1.3.1_04
4510956 java.sql.Date.toString was broken for years < 1000 and years > 9999. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4522874 Signal 11 SIGSEGV in JVM_GetCPMethodClassNameUTF. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4524377 -Xcheck:jni did not handle primitive classes. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4527959 Plugin required multiple logins for basic authentication. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4530775 VM died with the message, "panic: GC failed to enter single threaded mode" 1.3.1_04 NA NA
4533301 Signal 11 SIGSEGV occurred in JVM_IsInterface function. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4546503 JTree sent incorrect active descendant events. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
Application crashed with HotSpot Virtual Machine Error. 1.3.1_04 NA NA
4614121 java.io.File.deleteOnExit sometimes did not work. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4615373 ClassCastExceptions were generated from java.io.ObjectInputStream(setObjectFieldValue). 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4615605 J2SE 1.4/1.3 interoperability was broken for RemoteException and unchecked exceptions. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4619047 A java.lang.VerifyError was generated while running with large case values in a switch statement. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4619811 VM would exit when the console user logged off. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4620290 Server compiler failed with a HotSpot Virtual Machine Error, assertion failure, "element out of bounds". 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
The login dialog was improperly sized. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4623722 Unnecessary authentication request impacted performance. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4628512 Removed hard coded references to obsolete itelnet/iftp site. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4628657 Applet froze when a user clicked "grant this session" for a signed applet. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4629380 There were problems with maintaining focus in situations with multiple dialogs. 1.3.1_04 NA NA
4631055 JTextField did not gain focus with Netscape 4.X,6.X/JRE 1.3.1_02. 1.3.1_04 NA NA
4631285 Recompilation occurred with hotspot server VM. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4631621 Application crashed with -server option. 1.3.1_04 NA NA
4634332 Htmlconverter generated abnormal behavior. NA 1.3.1_04 NA
4635483 There were packaging script problems involving SUNWj*rt and SUNWj*dev. NA NA 1.3.1_04
4636030 Unreadable or incorrect characters were displayed when using logical font names with bold, italic, or bold plus italic. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4636303 Public JRE installation failed when installed on existing J2SDK 1.4. 1.3.1_04 NA NA
4640209 The about dialog box contained an improper copyright year. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
java.util.zip.ZipFile.read() dumped core. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4645614 Hotspot crashed when compiling a certain method. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4646627 Logging off poped a "Wait-EndTask-Cancel" dialog box if running a service with AWT. 1.3.1_04 NA NA
4646764 Application crashed with: HotSpot Virtual Machine Error , assertion failure, "infinite loop in PhaseGVN::transform". 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4647105 JMenu layout was incorrect on secondary monitor, on dual monitor systems. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4647299 Client hotspot generated silent data corruption. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
Mouse exit event was not fired for JButton. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4665264 Application dumped core in libjpeg.so in awt_image_codec_JPEGImageEncoderImpl_writeJPEGStream. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4666195 HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() always returned -1. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
4667327 HotSpot VM crashed on resizing (or painting) the ActiveX control. 1.3.1_04 NA NA
4671567 With the mouse hovering over a visible tree row, tooltip either never appeared or appeared only once over the first targeted tree row. 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04 1.3.1_04
System.getProperty("os.name") and getProperties() did not correctly return Microsoft Windows XP os.name. 1.3.1_04 NA NA

Changes in 1.3.1_03

Bugs fixed in the 1.3.1_03 Version are listed in the following table. The Fix Status columns indicate the operating system and version to which the fix applies.

BugID Description Microsoft Windows Fix Status Linux Fix Status Solaris Operating Environment Fix Status
4177723 When a a change was made to a JList's underlying ListModel, ListSelectionEvent listeners were not informed. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4273333 PrinterJob.printDialog dialog box can now be modal. 1.3.1_03 NA NA
4339995 When loading many animated gifs, not all images were shown. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4352535 ToolTipManager leaked in Metal L&F. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4353705 There was an Internal Error in ZipFile code during compilation. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4360510 JToolTip functionality threw exceptions. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4389043 There was a JMenu memory leak. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4419723 Line number information for try-catch statement was not sufficient. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4421691 Calling Component.setEnabled during InputMethodEvent usage caused a deadlock. 1.3.1_03 NA NA
4422376 Compilation of cloudscape_classes.jar died with an assertion. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4431416 VM hung when moving focus out of a text component while composing. NA 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4447912 Applet signed by cert from SunPKI, root CA GTE Cyber Trust, did not work. 1.3.1_03 NA NA
4458085 HTTP redirects were limited to 5. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4463359 There was a problem when an OopMap had the same callee-save register appear more than once. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4463536 Error when attempting to run a program in the GB18030 locale. NA NA 1.3.1_03
4469338 There was a memory allocation problem. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4475369 Using heavyweight over lightweight components caused unacceptable flashing. 1.3.1_03 NA NA
VM core dumped after receiving out of memory messages. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4480705 EventQueue thread deadlocked with animated GIFs. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4480967 SUNWj2rt errors appeared in the upgrade log for S8 => s9_41a upgrades. NA NA 1.3.1_03
4481265 SUNWj2man package needed safe default permissions. NA NA 1.3.1_03
4483910 Plug-in dll's were required for gecko. 1.3.1_03 NA NA
4484157 GB18030 locale font.properties file was needed on Solaris 9 operating environment. NA NA 1.3.1_03
4486978 There was a libthread panic: fault in libthread critical section. NA NA 1.3.1_03
4487415 An ActiveX Popup window remains on screen when bridged Bean looses focus. 1.3.1_03 NA NA
4488956 There was a memory leak in Swing. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4494358 Future EnableEvent of OBJECT_ALLOC event was ignored once the event was disabled. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4496644 For the GB18030 locale, the converter peforms additional bounds checks. 1.3.1_03 NA 1.3.1_03
4497586 For the GB18030 local, the converter encodes/decodes the full UCS range of characters. NA NA 1.3.1_03
4499709 The SystemMenu of JInternalFrame was hard-coded. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4503832 There was a server hang when using hotspot in mixed mode. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4503980 Focus lost/gain events were lost when gaining focus on an external CDE component. NA NA 1.3.1_03
4504319 Focus in a Jtextfield worked incorrectly when covered by a window (dtterm). NA NA 1.3.1_03
4506751 Plug-in and IE would lock/freeze after a modal dialog was launched from JavaScript. 1.3.1_03 NA NA
4516782 Plug-in did not forward the password with the URLs opened by an applet. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4519411 Printing of applets did not work. 1.3.1_03 NA NA
4522270 Encoding a zero'd byte array using the zh_TW locale resulted in an empty string. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4522288 Hotspot core dumped with signal 11. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4523989 Behavior of HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode differed between versions 1.3.1 and 1.3.1_01. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4526573 There was a SEGV in a card mark update. NA NA 1.3.1_03
4527278 classes/sun/misc/URLClassPath.java optimization code was missing. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
The constructor for java.util.zip.ZipFile threw a java.util.zip.ZipException. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4533120 Crash while running BEA Weblogic in "-client". 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
RMI passing object by value resulted in an UnmarshalException.
Serializing EventListenerList resulted in a ClassNotFound exception.
1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4546413 The installer edits the CurrentVersion string and copies java.exe as appropriate. 1.3.1_03 NA NA
4554698 After uninstalling MSVM on XP, Plug-in disabled MSVM. 1.3.1_03 NA NA
The installer failed with more than 4Gb of free disk space. 1.3.1_03 NA NA
4623890 Some drop down menus failed to appear in Java2Demo for 1.3.1_03b01. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4626780 There was a SIGSEGV in JVM_GetCPMethodClassNameUTF. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4627322 Keyfire tests had JMenu failures. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03
4631574 There were various OopMap problems. 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03 1.3.1_03

Changes in 1.3.1_02

Bugs fixed in the 1.3.1_02 Version are listed in the following table. The Fix Status columns indicate the operating system and version to which the fix applies.

BugID Description Microsoft Windows Fix Status Linux Fix Status Solaris Operating Environment Fix Status
4361783 ICMP port unreachable resulted in a SocketException. 1.3.1_02 NA NA
4393017 There was severe performance degredation when displaying a JPEG image. 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02
4396447 A focus problem left an applet unusable. NA NA 1.3.1_02
4411230 VM crashed using HotSpot. 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02
4419207 Drag and drop didn't work with Netscape Java Plug-in. NA NA 1.3.1_02
4420632 Pasting from Clipboard into FileDialog caused the VM to crash. NA NA 1.3.1_02
4420691 There were problems with /usr/lwp/lib/libthread.so on the Solaris 8 operating environment. NA NA 1.3.1_02
4425649 JSplitPane did not preserve the "hidden" state of one component on resize of the parent frame. 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02
4425878 A PopupMenu would sometimes be chopped off (partially disappear). 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02
4428838 There was a focus control problem with JavaBeans AciveX. 1.3.1_02 NA NA
4447727 The Euro sign(\u20ac) was not visible in Swing components. 1.3.1_02 NA NA
4455845 With the linear static gray palette, the wrong colors were being rendered to the screen. 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02
4456474 An error occured when attempting to roll_forward() at a compiled_safepoint. NA NA 1.3.1_02
4473882 There was a problem with Java postinstall scripts. NA NA 1.3.1_02
4474154 There were problems with the -server compiler option. 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02
4475540 GZipOutputStream was leaking native memory. 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02
4476318 In Plug-in, JSObject was not working correctly. 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02
4477089 Key Event was not transfered to target components correctly. 1.3.1_02 NA NA
4477197 Java XML API crashed under stress. 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02
4477225 Unicode Encoding sometimes worked incorrectly with threads. 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02
4478302 Moving a JWindow did not generate corresponding event. setLocation method did not work consistently with JWindow. NA NA 1.3.1_02
4478849 JVMPI_OBJ_ALLOC posted instance size was not correct. 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02
4479001 When no value was keyed in a text area, a null was displayed, rather than a blank. 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02
4481951 AppletContext.getApplets() returned an incorrect enumeration of applets. 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02
4483929 HotSpot crashed when switching IME from Atok14 to IME2000. 1.3.1_02 NA NA
4486489 Incorrect data was returned from ResultSet.getString() for LONG VARCHAR. (Regression) 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02
4486745 There was an compatibility problem with fontmetrics. 1.3.1_02 NA NA
4487400 JavaBeans ActiveX controls deadlocked. 1.3.1_02 NA NA
4487403 JavaBeans ActiveX Popup windows were not displayed in the correct screen position. 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02
4486859 There was a bad local variable table for an exception parameter of a catch block. (Regression) 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02
4489707 ARIBA Buyer crashed when used with HotSpot -server option. NA NA 1.3.1_02
4490177 HotSpot Server VM calling the same method in a loop stopped working after a few iterations. 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02
4491122 There were problems with IP_MULTICAST_IF. 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02
4493559 SOCKS protocol failed when used from an applet. 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02
4498820 -Xrs caused an IllegalArgumentException. 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02
4499805 There was a race condition in heap_expanded() in the previous fix of bug 4411230. 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02
4500124 A socket read problem generated MARSHALLING exceptions. 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02
4500265 JavaBeans ActiveX controls deadlocked when JOptionPane was shown. 1.3.1_02 NA NA
4504200 VM generated error: Exception in thread "CompileThread0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02 1.3.1_02

Changes in 1.3.1_01a

Beginning with J2SE 1.3.1_01a, Java Plug-in supports <applet> tags for launching applets and for initiating autodownload of the JRE/Java Plug-in on Microsoft Windows platforms. For more information, see

Java Plug-in Developer Documentation

Bugs fixed in the 1.3.1_01a Version for Microsoft Windows are listed in the following table.

BugID Description
4150332 With the Spreadsheet demo applet, a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException occurred.
4460631 Process heap size (C-stack) grew without bounds.
4477187 Loading applets, using IExplorer 5.0/5.5, sometimes caused a system hang.
4477564 getAppletContext().getApplet(name) did not work in Plug-in.
4483216 There was an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION when using plugin and SSL/https.

Changes in 1.3.1_01

Bugs fixed in the 1.3.1_01 Version are listed in the following table. The Fix Status columns indicate the operating system and version to which the fix applies.

4294758 java:classes_swing: BoxLayout caused java.lang.NullPointerException and applet crashed. 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01
4297642 Plug-in did not consume a keyEvent when consume() was used. 1.3.1_01 NA NA
4300726 When a Frame with a visible child Dialog was hidden, then shown again, the child Dialog incorrectly stayed hidden. 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01
4303306 Japanese fonts sometimes used too much memory before freeing memory. NA NA 1.3.1_01
4333436 GetExtra always returns null when reading zip file 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01
Font style (bold) could not be applied to certain Japanese and Korean font point sizes. 1.3.1_01 NA NA
4349969 MenuBar entries were sometimes randomly garbled. 1.3.1_01 NA NA
4361492 HttpURLConnection did not correctly transfer binary data. 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01
4363638 A program would hang during creation of Java JVM, when used with a native DB interface. NA 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01
After stopping a HotSpot debug session, a javaw.exe was left behind. 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01
4379539 Downcasting a public javax method parameter to a com.sun class from a public org.omg API did not work. 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01
4396433 A JApplet leaked memory. 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01
4407244 The RMI-IIOP putFields/getFields implementation did not maintain the same wire format as older versions of the same class. 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01
4407646 Plug-in: JavaHelp Content Viewer displayed raw html when used over an https connection. 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01
4413973 An application crashed when dragging into a a native widget. 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01
4414149 Class reloading for web servers was not working correctly. NA NA 1.3.1_01
4414154 In RMI-IIOP, sending an object with a direct reference to itself resulted in an IndirectionException, and ultimately a MARSHAL error. 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01
4415122 When running Movex Nextgen, the JVM crashed with a HotSpot Virtual Machine Error, Internal Error. NA NA 1.3.1_01
4415655 A problem in JInternalFrame caused an exception to be thrown. 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01
4424181 tk_char, instead of tk_wchar, was being sent to Java classes having Java char or char[] fields. 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01
4426575 An active X container crashed on exit with an illegal operation. 1.3.1_01 NA NA
4429136 IE5 crashed when an applet updated a page via LiveConnect. 1.3.1_01 NA NA
4429639 For the Korean (ko) locale, "duplex" and "tumble" were not properly translated. 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01
4434140 An interoperability problem between JDK 1.3 and JDK 1.3.1 caused an exception related to writeUTF/readUTF in RMI-IIOP. 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01
4434388 In JRE, disabling the JIT in the Plug-in control panel caused the browser to crash. 1.3.1_01 NA NA
4438896 The default timezone was set incorrectly. NA NA 1.3.1_01
4449624 requestFocus() worked incorrectly when a window was iconized and recovered. 1.3.1_01 NA NA
4450681 The core file for a crashed application thread was incorrect. NA 1.3.1_01 NA
HotSpot needed to use -fno-exceptions in gcc.make. NA 1.3.1_01 NA
4454196 The debugger crashed in shmembase.c upon exit. 1.3.1_01 NA NA
4455825 Some colors were missing when rendering to the screen in grayscale non-linear static gray. 1.3.1_01 NA NA
4456544 HotSpot could not be compiled using gcc 2.95. NA 1.3.1_01 NA
4459980 A Korean language monospaced font was not available. 1.3.1_01 NA NA
4460360 A distribution file could not be unpacked. NA NA 1.3.1_01
4463822 There were Plug-in download problems. 1.3.1_01 NA NA
4468466 javax.rmi.CORBA.ValueHandler was broken. 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01
4468529 -Xrs did not register signals SIGINT and SIGTERM. 1.3.1_01 NA NA
4471682 An initialization constructor was not called. 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01
4469343 A heap snapshot request caused a signal 11. NA NA 1.3.1_01
4475963 JVM_DumpAllStacks now identifies if the JVM is 1.3.1_01 or greater. NA NA 1.3.1_01
4477187 Loading applets, using IExplorer 5.0/5.5, sometimes caused a system hang. 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01
4478210 The compiler failed on assert. 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01
4482613 A segv was encounter when running in debug mode. 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01
4483910 Plug-in dll's were required for gecko. 1.3.1_01 NA NA
4483919 There was a memory leak in Java Console. 1.3.1_01 NA 1.3.1_01
4482347 Euro char was not displayed in some font styles for UTF-8 locales. NA NA 1.3.1_01
4488137 A race condition lead to mismatched serial version UID's. 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01
BugID Description Microsoft Windows Fix Status Linux Fix Status Solaris Operating Environment Fix Status
4107667 Accelerators did not work on popup menus. 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01
4160499 There were problems with error handling when using sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection and java.net.HttpURLConnection. 1.3.1_01 NA NA
4211817 JarURLConnection.openConnection() did not reflect the current jar file contents. 1.3.1_01 NA NA
4242616 If a POST (URL + data) request on a URLConnection timed out, the URLConnection retried the request, but did not resend the data. 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01
4252080 JTextArea word selection problems 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01
4280606 JScrollPane with a massive row or column header (approaching Integer.MAX_VALUE) caused the VM to crash. 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01 1.3.1_01